The eIDAS Regulation
SelfieSign is compliant with Advanced Electronic Signature under the eIDAS regulation for you to sign documents electronically with any EU member state.
What is the eIDAS regulation?
eIDAS (electronic IDentification, Authentication and trust Services) is a regulation on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the European Union.
Every organization or company that delivers digital services in an EU member state or in one of the 5 non-EU member states – Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland and United Kingdom – must recognize electronic identifications from other EU member states.
The eIDAS regulation defines 3 types of electronic signatures as Electronic Signature (Standard/Basic), Advanced Electronic Signature and Qualified Electronic Signature.
Electronic Signature (Standard/Basic)
An electronic signature (ES) is any kind of signature made in an electronic environment where the signatory has expressed intent to be bound by the contents of the document signed.
You can have a document signed by for example clicking a button, checking a box, or typing your name. In such case, without any process of verification or authentication, it would be very easy for the signatory to deny having signed it.
Advanced Electronic Signature
An advanced electronic signature (AES) is a standard electronic signature that must meet the following four requirements:
It must be uniquely linked to the signatory
It must be capable of identifying the signatory
It must be created using data that the signatory can use with trust and has sole control
It must be linked to the data in the signed document to prevent any subsequent change
This second-level electronic signature ensures the signed document has not been modified and the signatory's identity has not been changed, thus having a higher level of trust.
Qualified Electronic Signature
A qualified electronic signature (QES) is an advanced electronic signature with a qualified certificate issued by a Certification Authority (CA) and is created by a Qualified electronic Signature Creation Device (QSCD).
This type of electronic signature has the highest level of trust and security. It is intended for high-risk documents, such as insurance contracts and credit applications.
eIDAS it s a legal framework for the recognition of electronic ID and trust services across the EU
It came to effect on July 1st, 2016
There are 3 types of e-signatures under eIDAS: Electronic Signature, Advanced Electronic Signature, and Qualified Electronic Signature
Electronic Signature (ES) is any type of electronic signatures that expresses a signer's acceptance or approval
Advanced Electronic Signature (AES) is a type of electronic signature that must meet specific requirements for a higher level of signer ID verification, security, and tamper-evident
Qualified Electronic Signature (QES) is a type of electronic signature that must meet AES requirements and be backed by a qualified certificate
SelfieSign with Trust